Under the theme of “Consumer Empowerment in the Digital Age,” Tokushima Prefecture will host the “Tokushima International Consumer’s Forum 2023” to promote information sharing and collaboration among domestic and international consumer policy experts, university students from within Tokushima Prefecture and the ASEAN region, and others, as they exchange views on consumer risks and countermeasures brought about by the “Progress of Digitalization.”
What dangers do consumers face in this rapidly advancing digital society? How can consumers protect themselves while still enjoying the convenience of the digital society? What role do consumers play in this new age?
To answer these questions, consumer leaders and next-generation leaders from around the world gather in Tokushima, which is leading Japan in consumer policy together with the Strategic Headquarters for Frontiers of Consumer Policy of the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA). Now, from Tokushima to the world, we propose a new way of consumerism in the digital age.
Our hope is that the conversations sparked at this forum will lead to the development of international consumer policy and encourage meaningful behavior changes that support a sustainable future for all.
Tokushima Prefecture has so far held Japan’s first “G20 International Conference on Consumer Policy” in September 2019 in collaboration with the Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA). Since July 2020, Tokushima Prefecture has also been pioneering projects together with the CAA’s Strategic Headquarters for Frontiers of Consumer Policy, which was established within the prefectural government as a national hub for policy development and international operations in consumer administration and education. The prefectural government has done its utmost to develop the legacy inherited from the international conference to make Tokushima an international center for consumer policy.
The forum, which was held on Oct. 25, 2022, had leading experts from various countries offer opinions and recommendations that promote “ethical consumption” and “sustainable fashion” --from “awareness” to “practices,”-- in order to achieve the SDGs by 2030 and carbon neutrality goal by 2050. We also had participants from the younger generation from within the prefecture and from overseas to join us as we continue connecting our efforts into the future.
We hope that the forum can facilitate meaningful discussions leading to the progress of international consumer policy and consumer behavior toward a sustainable society for everyone around the world.
Held on the theme, “New Consumer Problems and Road Map to Solutions to Prepare for a Post-Covid-19 Digital Society,” the Tokushima International Consumer’s Forum 2021 invited leading experts in ethical consumption from various countries to offer opinions and recommendations relating to the theme, and organized sessions for participants from ASEAN countries that are important partners of Tokushima Prefecture and Japan, not only for economic collaboration and interpersonal exchanges, but also for the development of healthy consumer markets.
TheCOVID-19 pandemic that has sweeped the entire world has drastically changed the international situation for consumers. With a view to contributing to a sustainable society while recognizing the ongoing social changes, the Tokushima International Consumer’s Forum 2020 invited the world’s leaders and Japanese experts in ethical consumption to shared their progressive views, and presented the efforts of some Japanese companies, groups and local governments towards consumer-oriented management and ethical consumption to help achieve the SDGs.
Held as a new style of international forum in the Covid-19 era, this forum is made available for on-demand viewing at any time.