

Tokushima International Consumer’s Forum 2020

Tokushima International Consumer's Forum 2020

The Tokushima prefectural government co-hosted Japan's first G20 International Conference on Consumer Policy with the Consumer Affairs Agency in September 2019, while the Consumer Affairs Agency set up its Strategic Headquarters for Frontiers of Consumer Policy, CAA in the Tokushima prefectural government building as Japan's hub for international operations of consumer administration in July 2020. In this way, the Tokushima prefectural government has been working closely with the Consumer Affairs Agency to contribute to a sustainable international society.

The Covid-19 pandemic that is sweeping the entire world has drastically changed the international situation for consumers. With a view to contributing to a sustainable society while recognizing the ongoing social changes, the Tokushima International Consumer's Forum 2020 will invite the world's leaders and Japanese experts in ethical consumption to share their progressive views, and present the efforts of some Japanese companies, groups and local governments towards consumer-oriented management and ethical consumption to help achieve the SDGs.

Held as a new style of international forum in the Covid-19 era, this forum will be made available for on-demand viewing at any time. We hope that the forum will lead to the development of a new consumer policy and bring fruitful results to consumers around the world.


of Tokushima Prefecture

of the
Consumer Affairs Agency


1min ver.

40min ver.

About Tokushima


Hideki Nakahara
Emeritus Professor, Tokyo City University
President, Japan Ethical Initiative
Hideki Nakahara

Video Message

Working towards the realization
of a sustainable society
while taking into account changes
in the global situation
surrounding consumers,
such as the COVID-19.

Messages from Global Experts and Discussion

Hideki Nakahara   Emeritus Professor,
Tokyo City University・President,
Japan Ethical Initiative
Rob Harrison
Rob Harrison (UK)
Director / Ethical Consumer
Ethical Consumption Under Covid-19
Gordon Renouf
Gordon Renouf (Australia)
Founder / Good On You
Learning from Fashion: Change through Ethical Consumption
Ellis Jones
Ellis Jones (USA)
Founder / Better World Shopper,
Associate Professor of Sociology / College of the Holy Cross
Fighting Greenwashing With Data: Rating Companies Based on Social & Environmental Sustainability
Ruth B Castelo
Ruth B. Castelo (Philippines)
Undersecretary for Consumer Protection Group / Department of Trade and Industry
Realizing a Sustainable Society
Farid Yaker
Farid Yaker (France)
Programme Officer / United Nations Environment Programme
Global Review of Sustainable Procurement, Trends and Challenges
Global Talk Session
Working towards the realization of a sustainable society while taking into account changes in the global situation surrounding consumers, such as the COVID-19.

Messages from
National Experts

Takao Nishimura
Takao Nishimura
Emeritus Professor / Yokohama National University
Sustainable Consumer Education in Post-Covid-19
Yuka Sakamoto
Yuka Sakamoto
Associate Professor / Naruto University of Education
Awareness of Resource Finiteness and the Required Change in Consumer Behavior
Naomi Inoue
Naomi Inoue
Associate Professor / Graduate School, Sophia University
The Necessity of becoming a Prosumer
Antonios Karaiskos
Karaiskos Antonios
Associate Professor / Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University
Protecting Consumers and Consumerisum in Post-Covid-19
Izumi Kado
Izumi Kado
Professor / Junior College, Shikoku University
The Shift from Responsible Consumption and Production to Responsible Connection
Hideki Kusakabe
Hideki Kusakabe
Vice-Administrative Chief / Strategic Headquarters for Frontiers of Consumer Policy, CAA
The Initiatives of the Consumers Affairs Agency
Strategic Headquarters for Frontiers of Consumer Policy

Tokushima Initiatives

Special Appearance

Japan International
Cooperation Agency
※ Japanese Only


TIS Meeting

Tokushima International Network
for a Sustainable Society Meeting
SDGs Action Program 2020 SDGs Action Program 2020
※ Japanese Only
Tokushima Prefecture
※ Japanese Only
Tokushima consumer administration platform
※ Japanese Only