

Don’t be deceived by shrewd scams involving money!


If you ever receive any e-mails from another party stating that they will give you their inheritance if you engage with them, or asking you to pick up their lottery winnings, etc., please proceed as if it is a scam. Engaging in such an exchange will eventually lead you to a paid dating site in which you will be lured into purchasing points one after another. We have recently received several consultations from victims stating that they have continuously sent e-mails back and forth with third-parties on these sorts of matters.


In these cases, in order to continue the email exchange, the other party often skillfully encourages the victim to purchase points, shrewdly stating that they will give them money for this service. Before the victim notices, they have been swindled out of large sums of money, and when this occurs, it is very difficult to recover all of the lost funds.


Based on available information, it is thought that the other party goes by the so-called “Sakura” from a dating site, but this has been difficult to definitively prove.


In order to avoid such scams, it is important that you take serious precaution when handling e-mails from strangers on the Internet. If you suspect that you may be a victim of such a scheme, please consult your nearest Consumer Affairs Center.
